Monday, March 18, 2013

Shrinky Dinks

Anyone remember Shrinky Dinks? Those little plastic, probably horrible-caustic, deals that you would put in the oven and shrink… anyway, that is how my  stomach is… boooyah!!   After 8 days on a nice tight ketogenic diet, I can already see the results I am looking for. After a hard Sunday kettlebell workout, I feel great and continue all efforts to sleep well.

I called the local tanning place today, and felt like a douchebag while doing so, in order to prepare my oh-so-fair skin for the sun of California.  I do not want to be a crispy critter after my first game of Frisbee, but that might happen; If I wear a green hat they’d call me Sriracha…. Yeah, let’s not…

You can’t tell by this page and my 6 readers don’t care, but I was touching up on my HTML and CSS skills today and it is all coming back. Hey, perhaps eventually I’ll get off my ass and fix myself a dope-ass website for my business.

Also, tomorrow is like Christmas!! It’s the 10 year anniversary of the start of the Iraq war!!    That was fun times for all involved. Lots of surfing, some high fiving and ultimately a positive effect on our world.


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